Core FacilitiesC-FACS


Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter (C-FACS) and Analyser

The facility at the IZN-Institute for Neurobiology provides access to flow cytometry-based applications and a unique service on the campus for the sorting of rare neural cell populations and subcellular components.

Our C-FACS is currently equipped with a 4-laser BD FACS ARIA upgraded II bench-top cell sorter, enabling the simultaneous detection of up to 14 parameters. If necessary, the dedicated space for sterile tissue dissection, cell culturing and temporary housing of rats and mice is also available.


  • Isolation of neural of progenitors based on the expression of surface markers.  
    C-FACS offers a wide range of protocols for the purification of neural precursors. Protocols have been optimized for the isolation of cells from wild type mice but can be also modified for the isolation of progenitors from other species;
  • Isolation of neural of progenitors based on the expression of reporter genes.
    We offer a wide range of procedures for tagging neural precursors in vivo. These include plasmid and virus-based approaches as well as transgenic mice. Procedures for the customary tagging of the cells in culture or in vivo cannot be performed in the facility. However, we offer dedicated space for the housing of externally generated transgenic mice and the sterile preparation of the samples;
  • Establishment of long-term cell cultures from isolated neural stem cells.
  • Training and support: C-FACS offers practical courses to students of Heidelberg University and doctoral candidates of the HBIGS and the IZN International Graduate Program.


Users can access C-FACS after arranging an appointment and returning a signed user agreement.

Sorting procedures are performed by our staff, however guest scientists may perform independent analyses of the data after receiving adequate training at C-FACS.

A valid health certificate must be provided for animals to be temporarily housed in the C-FACS facilities.

Animals should be allowed to recover for at least three days before starting the experiment.

If the isolation involves procedures optimized and published by our members, the contribution of C-FACS should be recognized by citations of the relevant work.

Terms and Conditions

Flow cytometry services can be offered only for biological material that meets protection level S1 safety conditions.

Users of the facility must comply with the legal guidelines regulating the use of hazardous substances, biomaterial and genetic manipulation (Gefahrstoffverordnung, Biostoffverordnung and Gentechnik-Sicherheitsverordnung) at the University of Heidelberg and are expected to disclose all the relevant information concerning the safety of the samples and animals that will be introduced in the facility. Users who wish to introduce animal models in the facility must comply with the local law regulating animal welfare (Tierschutzgesetz from the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe) and hold a valid animal health certificate.

Only authorized users will be allowed to operate the cell sorter. Authorization will be provided by our FACS operator Ms. Gabriele Hölzl-Wenig after adequate training. Ms. Hölzl-Wenig will be encharged with all the sorting experiments for non-authorized users.

All laboratory equipment must be kept clean and in good operating condition.

All services including use of reagents and equipment are subjected to a charge. Charges are in line with the guidelines provided by the German Research Council (DFG) for the use of core facilities.

Data will be handled as strictly confidential and stored on our service for up to one year. Users are responsible for long-term storage of data.

It is highly important for our core facility to be acknowledged in publications. Every user who has generated data with the aid of our facility must acknowledge us in their paper(s) and submit their citation(s) to us.


Prices below indicate costs in euros per hour of instrument usage for flow cytometry and for one week for cell culture services. Sample preparation costs are calculated based on the preparation of 1 ml of sort sample. Cell culture charges are based on the preparation of 10 ml culture medium.


Flow cytometry
80 €/hour
Sample preparation and staining 
3 €/ml
Cell culture
10 €/10 ml/week


Flow cytometry
80 €/hour
Sample preparation and staining
2 €/ml
Cell culture
8 €/10 ml/week

Contact us

Institute of Neurobiology
Im Neuenheimer Feld 366
DE-69120 Heidelberg

General Inquiries may be directed to the scientific supervisor:
Dr. Francesca Ciccolini
Phone: +49 6221 54 16505

For specific questions, please contact the FACS operator:
Gabriele Hölzl-Wenig
Phone: +49 6221 54 16515 or -16512


  1. Khatri P et al. (2014) Proliferation and cilia dynamics in neural stem cells prospectively isolated from the SEZ. DOI: 10.1038/srep03803

  2. Monaco et al., (2019) A flow cytometry-based approach for the isolation and characterization of neural stem cell primary cilia. DOI: 10.3389.fncel.2018.00519

  3. Baur et al., (2022) A novel stem cell type at the basal side of the subventricular zone maintains adult neurogenesis. DOI: 10.15252/embr.202154078

  4.  Baur et al (2023) A flow cytometry-based approach for the study of primary cilia. DOI: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2022.07.018