IZN Scientific EventsIZN Retreat 2025
The IZN Retreat 2025 will again take place in the beautiful Kloster Schöntal, Germany. The retreat is planned from Sunday, July 13th to Monday, July 14th.
Quick Links:
General Information
- When: Sunday, July 13th to Monday, July 14th
- Where: As in previous years, the retreat will take place in the beautiful Kloster Schöntal.
- Getting there and back: Group transportation to Schöntal will be by bus or—if you so wish—by your own private car or on Saturday by bike. Due to limited space in the buses, we will need your binding reservation at the time of registration (one-way or round-trip).
- Registration deadline: June 13th
- Price: the price per person for two days (including full board) will be between ~189€ and ~206€. For those who do not wish to stay overnight, the participation fee for one day will be approximately 66€.
- Payment: All participants (except the speakers) will be required to pay the bill to the Kloster at Schöntal before departing from Schöntal. Of course, you may be reimbursed from the travel budget of your research group.
- Be prepared for awesome science talks from renowned experts.
- Two short student presentations, selected from among the submitted abstracts
- Poster sessions showcasing the outstanding work of our young IZN scholars
AWARDS PRESENTATION: There will again be several awards this year. Everyone is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to apply!!!
- Presentation of the Foundation BrainAid/IZN Master Thesis Award
- Presentation of the Foundation BrainAid/IZN Dissertation Award
- Presentation of the IZN/Chica and Heinz Schaller Young Investigator Neuroscience Award
On-site voting will take place for two awards:
- Best IZN Student Poster
- Best Neuroscience Artwork
- Abstract submission deadline: June 13th
- Note that all IZN doctoral students in attendance from the second year on are required to participate in the poster session. Master students and postdocs are also highly encouraged to participate.
- Format: A0 portrait (841 mm wide x 1189 mm tall).
- Poster prize: The best poster of a doctoral or Master student will be awarded with a 100€ prize. Selection will be based on scientific excellence and on-site presentation.
Sunday afternoon canoeing: As in previous years, there will be a canoeing tour on the Jagst river.
- Cost: 24€/person
- Duration: ~3.5 hours
- Requirements: You must be able to swim. Please also make sure that you are in good physical shape, as canoeing can be rather exhausting.
- If this is your first canoeing trip, then it is advisable to share your boat with an experienced partner.
- You will receive additional information after the meeting registration is closed.
- Sunday afternoon guided monastery tour: As an alternative to canoeing, there will also be a guided tour through the monastery (Cost: 7€).
- Science pub quiz
- Neuroscience art contest (EVERYONE is encouraged to submit: your most beautiful miscropscopy image, paintings, drawings, sculptures, performance art,...)
- Bike trip to Schöntal and camping: Saturday, July 12th. Contact Peter Bengtson for details and check the appropriate box on the registration page.
- The deadline for the IZN/Chica and Heinz Schaller Young Investigator Neuroscience Award, the Foundation BrainAid/IZN Master Thesis Award, and the Foundation BrainAid/IZN Dissertation Award: May 30th
- Online retreat registration: June 13th
- Online poster registration and abstract submission: June 13th
- Announcement of short-talk speakers: June 27th