Outreach and Awards IZN Art Prize
For the best piece of neuroscience-related artwork
Initiated in 2021, the IZN Art prize recognizes the artistic talents of our IZN members at the IZN retreat. Each group or individual participant can bring one piece of art—it doesn't matter if it is a collage, sculpture, photograph, your most awesome microscopy image, painting or drawing.... The only requirement: it must be connected to the IZN and/or neuroscience. Register for the contest by checking the appropriate box during retreat registration.
The artworks will be on display in Schöntal for the duration of the retreat, and every participant can cast one vote for his or her favorite piece of art. On the last day of the retreat, the winners will be picked and their work will be displayed on the home page of the IZN.
If you have questions please contact our administrator Antje König Sekretariat@nbio.uni-heidelberg.de.
Award winner 2024: Anna Hertle

Award winner 2023: Antje König

Award Winner 2021: Dr. Robert Luck